Friday, August 24, 2012

Today I am thankful for the four empty bottles of wine on my counter- they are the sign of an evening with the ladies well spent :)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

My Own 365 Project

Today I've decided that I need to be more in touch with all the good things in my life, so as to not get so distracted by the not-so-good things. So, I think I'll do my own 365 Day project! My goal is to post everyday something that I am really thankful for and add a photo if possible.

Here we go:
Today I'm thankful for loving pups!
These little girls keep me smiling even on the toughest of days. During my work day, they are either sleeping under my chair and desk or giving me the puppy eyes and whimpers to get me to come play with them for a little while. Talk about a perfect love!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Colorado, December 2010

Kevin and I, with our best man Tim, traveled to Colorado over the Christmas holiday in 2010. We stayed at Tim's sister's (Kate) home and had a great time! Here's one of the photos I took while there. Click on it to go to my Flickr set.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


The other day while looking around at the Life Coach phenom, I happened across this little reference that spoke about Credibility. It struck me as sensible, so now I share:

Eight Credibility Habits we all need to have:
#1: Show up and on time
#2: Do what you say
#3: Finish what you start
#4: Practice courtesy and gratitude with everyone
#5: Ask- don't assume
#6: If you come across a problem, you own it until it is resolved
#7: Be coachable
#8: Do a little bit more than you really need to

....I like.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Hello. So, this is the beginning of what I hope will be a glorious blogging experience. I've been thinking of starting this blog for a while now, but somehow today just seemed fated :)

Today I took some lovely pictures of my favorite walk through my neighborhood. It's a gorgeous day outside and even though I'm nursing a cold, I had to get outside for a couple minutes or I'd loose it. I'm not used to being home all day stuck inside! So yeah, sickness sucks, but on the bright side, I'm getting a lot better with the pictures and camera. Both good things. I'll be posting these pictures in a soon to come Flickr account for your viewing pleasure.

The subjects of this blog are somewhat vague as of yet. I have many different interests you see, so who knows what could pop up! I am trying to plan a two week trip to Paris, France and Aarhus, Denmark for August of 2011, so imagine that will have a bit of postings.

So, to all of you who love me- I love you too! Now get back to work slackers ;p